The basic principle of our team is that the team is the focus of all things we do. The strength of the pack is in the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is in the pack. When dealing with player issues, the two questions that will be asked are:
Will not be tolerated. Each offense after the first is a minimum ½ game suspension. Repeated problems will be cause for dismissal from the team.
Perhaps the most selfish of all team problems, ineligibility will be dealt with as defined in the school handbook.
Missed Practices
All missed practices that are excused (sickness, injury) will require makeup conditioning during team practices. Players are responsible for checking with the managers to see what must be done. This is not punishment, but a consequence of missed conditioning. Skipping practices will be dealt with with extreme prejudice – 1 or 2 game suspensions for each missed practice. Please schedule appointments at more appropriate times.
We will be a class act on and off the court. Offenses will be dealt with on an incident by incident basis.
Varsity Games
Players will earn time on varsity based on skill, attitude and ‘coachability’. Favoritism is an excuse that is pure insanity. Why, as a coach, would I put anything but my best five players on the floor? A favorite is any player that does all the things that are needed to make the team successful. I want to win, and I will put the players on the floor that will give us the best chance.
Playing Time
All players that do not violate team guidelines will get to play in a game. Playing time at all levels will be determined by the effort put forth in practice. Playing time is an "equal opportunity" privilege but not a right. You play as you practice.
Don’t even dream about it. Your basketball career may come to a very sudden end.
Attitude/Profanity/Have fun
Positive player attitudes make for positive practices and often positive game results.
Hallways/Locks/Locker Room
Please bring all you need to the locker room before practice and games. After practice is over, you should not need to go to your locker. Lets work on making life as easy for the custodians as possible. Your locker is always locked. There is no excuse for having anything stolen.
To letter, a player must have played at least five quarters during VARSITY games. Every player that finishes the season in good standing will receive a letter of participation, but lettering is accorded only to varsity players. To letter all players takes the honor out of lettering.
We will be getting now uniforms this year. (Please). There is
no possible excuse for losing your uniform. If a uniform is found in the
hallway, unlocked in locker room, or anywhere but locked up or on the body,
there will be consequences. Players did lose games last year for losing
jersey. Shoes will be stolen if left out. Very sad but very true.
Chain of Command
Player/Coach Chat. If the player
has a problem with the way things are going, he must speak to the coaches.
If he lacks the confidence to speak to myself or Coach Horne, then we cannot
have much hope of floor confidence against a full court press.
Player/Parent/Coach Chat. If
the problem is not resolved, parents are more than welcome to come to talk
to me. We will discuss your player – but other players are not to be discussed.
Coach/Parent/Athletic Director
and/or Principal. All situations that arise may not fit into the above
standards, but this is a guideline of what we are doing here. If any unique
situation arises, the coaching staff will deal with it on an individual